Traveling in 2024 is expected to be strong in this post-pandemic era. You may be wondering, “Where should I travel to next?” Thankfully for us Muslim travelers, traveling is just getting a lot easier,...
Yogyakarta atau yang biasa kita kenal dengan Jogja, adalah kota yang penuh daya tarik, keindahan, dan warisan sejarah untuk dinikmati. Makanan? Nikmat. Atraksi? Banyak. Uang? Aman. Jadi tunggu apa lagi?...
Jogja or Yogyakarta is a city that is full of attraction, beauty, and heritage. Food? Check. Attractions? Check. Money? Safe. So what are you waiting for? Here are the reasons why you should visit Jogja.
2021 is coming and we've been looking forward to it! How we miss breathing some fresh air and feeling the heat of the sun on our skin. Most of all, we are dying to reconnect with our dearest friends and...
If you ask white-collar workers in Jakarta about their favorite destination for a short escape from the hustle and bustle of Indonesia’s capital city, they will mention Yogyakarta, the center of Javanese...
I found this #Mosque