Motivation to Repentance – The Journey of Purest Love Life is all about the good and bad choice you make and every human being is a mixture of good and bad. This is on you that which part you’re feeding the most. No one is perfect but we can try to be kind, humble to our surroundings. Sins are the ultimate art of our lives, knowingly or unknowingly, we are all responsible for it to some extent....Read More
Motivation to Repentance – The Journey of Purest Love Life is all about the good and bad choice you make and every human being is a mixture of good and bad. This is on you that which part you’re feeding the most. No one is perfect but we can try to be kind, humble to our surroundings. Sins are the ultimate art of our lives, knowingly or unknowingly, we are all responsible for it to some extent. But then it is also our faith that the door of repentance is always open. People travel miles to seek forgiveness from Allah by performing the most dedicated rituals of Islam, Hajj and Umrah. When you regret something, it helps you wash away that particular sin. We only need little motivation to repent of the sinful deeds. There is never too late to repent. Allah (SWT) is another master of this world and knows you better than you. He loves you more than you can think and love always finds a way to forgive the beloved. So, if you’re dearest to your Almighty Allah, why can’t you make him the priority of your life? Priority not in a sense to pray all the time or you have to know all Hadeeth and Islamic rituals. It is meant to be the part of your daily routine. Your job, you’re dealing with people, the way you treat your parents and the sense of responsibility. It all comes in worshipping the one and only Allah Almighty. If you know your values and respects the morals of life, you’ll be at peace. The only way to live life at best is to be a self-critic. Value of Having a Strong Conscience If you’re blessed enough to have a strong conscience, the door of repentance can never close for you. Choose the best you have in your life, and keep all the decisions according to the teachings of Islam. The journey you have been awarded is a temporary tour to find the truth of life. Faith is actually that strengthen your conscience and keep you away from the sins. Choose the righteous path and be the guide of your own soul. Knowledge is important so as the kind heart. The one who seeks the right path will be awarded the light that will shine brighter than her. Here is the matter of repentance and seeking forgiveness, your conscience plays an important role. Your little faith can keep it alive all the time. It is one of the most essential parts of life, if conscience is your ultimate critic, there is always a way to come back even after falling in the valley of sin. The journey of Hajj can make an impact on this, this is the journey that washes away all your previous sins. So, choose the best for you and your family. Be kind to everyone and always know the difference between responding and reacting. Kindness is one of the foremost rules that leads you to a healthy and amazing life which is only possible with an active conscience.