Opening Hours
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
021-32324267 / 0813.84772025 /0878.831.36909
Siomay Menteng
GF , Giant Raden Inten , JL. Raden Inten 2, Duren Sawit , Duren Sawit , 13440 Jakarta Timur , DKI Jakarta Indonesia
Halal assurance by restaurant staff
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Siomay Menteng Restaurant located in Jl Alam Sutra, Indonesia offers Indonesian food dishes. The food served here is Halal, unique and delicious, and the restaurant is a definite must-visit! The Halal status has been assured by restaurant staff.
Opening Hours
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
021-32324267 / 0813.84772025 /0878.831.36909
Local Prayer Times

Assalamualaykum guys! Check out my blog about halal travel in Gili Air, which I wrote after my month long stay there. :)