Opening Hours
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Contact Details
+62 21 96373400
Bubur Ayam CIPANG Cirebon-Padang
Jalan Raya Jombang No. 09, Pondok Aren Kec. Tgr Banten Indonesia
Halal assurance by restaurant staff
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Bubur Ayam CIPANG Cirebon, located in Indonesia offers a wide selection of mouthwatering Indonesian dishes, at affordable rates. The restaurant serves fabulous unique Halal food items which are perfect for diners looking for food in a Muslim friendly environment.
Opening Hours
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Contact Details
+62 21 96373400
Local Prayer Times
HalalTrip User Review

Open 06:00 - 11:00 am. Breakfast dish. Yummy. Don't forget to add the sambal (chili pepper 'sauce').