Opening Hours
Sun - Thu:16:00 - 01:00/Fri - Sat:16:00 - 02:00
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash, credit and debit cards
+44 1904 656333
2 Mansfield House Lowther Street York, North Yorkshire YO31 7ND, United Kingdom
Not sure
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Sizzlers, located in York, UK offers a wide selection of mouthwatering American dishes including, pizzas, and burgers, as well as kebabs & chicken dishes, at affordable rates. All of the dishes served here are Halal, fresh and authentic, and will satisfy any diner. Only natural and Halal ingredients are used in the dishes.
Opening Hours
Sun - Thu:16:00 - 01:00/Fri - Sat:16:00 - 02:00
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash, credit and debit cards
+44 1904 656333