Opening Hours
Monday-Saturday-12.01pm - 10.00pm / Sunday closed
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Contact Details
+62 812-3875-200 or +62 361 8023278
Warung Bho Bho Thai
Jalan Dewi Sri Bali Indonesia
Not sure
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Warung Bho Bho Thai, located in Legian, serves a wide selection of dishes sure to satisfy any diner. Warung Bho Bho Thai offers fresh and Halal dishes and is thus ideal for Muslim diners. The restaurant is also know for the variety of desserts it offers. If you are looking to dine on different Chinese and Thai dishes, this is the ideal place for you!
Opening Hours
Monday-Saturday-12.01pm - 10.00pm / Sunday closed
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Contact Details
+62 812-3875-200 or +62 361 8023278