Opening Hours
11 am to 10 pm
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
No email available
No.150, Jingcheng Rd., West Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan
Halal assurance by restaurant staff
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Located on a quiet lane off the busy restaurant-laden GongYi Road, this eatery works hard to create a relaxing cultural ambiance, decorated liberally with traditional Turkish metal plates, lamps, pictures, knickknacks, water pipes and the like. The menu is divided into some major categories of Turkish dining, such as salads, pide (Turkish-style pizzas) and, of course, that staple of Turkish cuisine, the kebab
Opening Hours
11 am to 10 pm
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
No email available