Opening Hours
Unknown to Unknown
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
+673 814 4777
No email available
Cafe Maurina
Simpang 1761-22, Kampong Tanjong Nangka, Kilanas, Brunei Darussalam 2321
Muslim owned restaurant
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Located in Unit 2A, First Floor, Delima Jaya Complex. Making sweets and savouries with love. Enjoyed best with close friends and family. Cafe Maurina accepts orders throughout the week and pickups are on Fridays and Saturdays from 3pm to 8pm at E lJumana. Kindly Inbox message us or Whatsapp if you wish to arrange for a different pickup date.
Opening Hours
Unknown to Unknown
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
+673 814 4777
No email available