Opening Hours
6 am to Unknown
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
No phone available
No email available
No website available
Warung Kak Yah
1A Kampung Paya Besar, Kuala Berang, Terengganu
Muslim owned restaurant
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Owned by Muslim, this restaurant has delicious and remarkable food and drinks. Warung Kak Yah has the concept of serving fresh and exciting food for all. The food and drinks sold meet the highest standards of quality, freshness and seasonality and combines both modern, creative and traditional styles of cooking. Every customer that comes through the doors of the restaurant leaves impressed and with a longing to come back again.
Opening Hours
6 am to Unknown
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
No phone available
No email available
No website available