Opening Hours
Some 12, some 24hrs
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash / Debit Card / Visa / Mastercard / American Express
No official number
No official email
OK Chicken Rice / Humfull Prawn Laksa
3 St George's Rd, Singapore 320003
Halal certified restaurant
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Craving real deal chicken rice made with only the finest ingredients? OK Chicken Rice (Dual Brand Shop) crafts every dish to spark joy and preserve the timeless flavors you love. Plus, we're all about giving back to the community! Halal certified for your peace of mind.
Opening Hours
Some 12, some 24hrs
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash / Debit Card / Visa / Mastercard / American Express
No official number
No official email