Opening Hours
11am-10pm, Mon to Sun
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash /Debit Card/ Discover/ Visa / Mastercard / American Express
8768 0785
Tipo Pasta Bar
28 Aliwal St, #01-07, Singapore 199918
Muslim owned restaurant
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Reaching out for a box of dry spaghetti, a packet of frozen pizza, and bottled pasta sauce is what college kids do. Not here, not us. In memory of those tough nights and of course, our love for carbs, Tipo is about the celebration of artisanal produce. Where pasta, pizza, and gnocchi are handcrafted and reimagined to be something more than just out of a packaged box.
Opening Hours
11am-10pm, Mon to Sun
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash /Debit Card/ Discover/ Visa / Mastercard / American Express
8768 0785