Opening Hours
11.30AM to 10PM (Mon-Fri) | 11.30AM to 10.30PM (Sat & Sun)
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
3155 Commonwealth Avenue West, #05-17/18 The Clementi Mall, Singapore 129588
Halal certified restaurant
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Time to treat yourself to a Korean barbeque or Gogigui (meat roast) feast without worrying about its halal status! Formerly known as Ssiksin, the now-rebranded HanSsik offers you an authentic Korean barbecue dining experience with a fully Halal Certified menu. The best part is, each table has a built-in grilling pit for all meats and vegetables, looking exactly like the ones in Seoul! Read the full article here!
Opening Hours
11.30AM to 10PM (Mon-Fri) | 11.30AM to 10.30PM (Sat & Sun)
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method