Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 7am - 8pm
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Contact Details
+65 6297 4294
Hjh Maimunah
11/15 Jalan Pisang, Singapore 199078
Muslim owned restaurant
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Established in the 90s, Hjh Maimunah has become a familiar name among locals for its variety of mouth- watering nasi padang (steamed rice with pre-cooked dishes). The restaurant’s signature dishes include Sudanese grilled chicken and lemak siput (shellfish cooked in a spicy coconut gravy).
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 7am - 8pm
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Contact Details
+65 6297 4294