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Hello Sir/Modem; I am writing from Georgia, Tour company- "Dila Plus", I have a great desire people from Kuwait know more about Georgia, one of the most hospitable country in the world and about it's capital Tbilisi where ancient meets modern and it's a city that loves its guests. Your people can see the sea in one part of the country and snow and winter in another, they can hear ancient language and see alphabet letters which is included in 14 unique alphabets in the world. Our national dances and folklore is one of the most ancient and it's wonderful I am sending you the link of one of the Georgian dances and value it by yourself. Our cuisine is in 4 most delicious cuisine in the world and they way we make wine in "Kvevri" is treasured by UNESCO world heritage organization as some regions of our country such as Svaneti, Tusheti, Mtskheta- city museum. That's not all, I will send you more information if you would like. Also, I will tell you some words about our tour company which was established in 2001 and we are one of the leading company in Georgia.We have inbound and outbound tours and work with 120 company in the world. I would like to collaborate with you, from us, we will send you tours of Georgia and support your work on our market. I will send you one special tour if you will be interested in. -- Best regard, Chris Fakharian