Ramdan Kareem 2025

Ramadan 20251446Ramadan 1446 hijri

Suhur Time

Iftar Time

The Blessed Month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 2025

Welcome to HalalTrip's official Eid & Ramadan 2025 page! In this page, you will find some of the most useful information, pictures, and tips that will guide you through the holy month of Ramadan, up till Eid-ul-Fitr 2025.

Ramadan - also referred to as Ramadhan and Ramazan – is the time of the year where Muslims are obligated to fast for a duration of one month, up until the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. Fasting during the month of Ramadan constitutes one of the Five Pillars of Islam. During this month, Muslims abstain from consuming food and drinks from dawn to sunset, and are encouraged to improve themselves to become better Muslims by cultivating good habits.

Check out our page for the latest updates on Eid and Ramadan. We will provide tips on Halal food for Iftar, Eid celebrations and festivals all over the world, prayer and mosque information and many more. Also, don’t forget to look out for our Ramadan Destination Clock to find fasting durations for destinations around the world.

Here's a personal message! In these trying times, we hope that Muslims all over the world will stay strong and be more vigilant. Let us overcome the COVID-19 situation together by constantly praying and maintaining a positive attitude. Let’s do this for the ummah!

May Allah give us strength, health, and patience. InsyaAllah🤲🏼

Ramadan Kareem & Eid Mubarak to all of you from the HalalTrip team!

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