Don't Forget to Bring These 8 Travel Gadgets Along For Your Next Trip!

By Suhanah Khamis | 29, Aug, 2019
Don't Forget to Bring These 8 Travel Gadgets Along For Your Next Trip!

Through the decades, technology has greatly advanced. Who would've known that phones which started off as big and bulky devices with antennas, could transform into devices which are so thin and small enough to fit into our jean pockets? It's truly a blessing that we get to connect to the world with just the tip of our fingertips. 

As such, let us utilise technology the right way and make use of these 8 travel gadgets during our next travel trip!


1) Digital Camera

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

It's all about the memories, a priceless souvenir that we can bring home. I am someone who loves to capture moments, scenery and just about anything that catches my eyes during a trip, so that I can look back at those pictures and footages and reminisce the memories I made there.

That is why you should invest in a portable and light-weight digital camera. I would personally recommend a digital camera with wifi so that whilst taking your photos, you can share them with your friends and family back home. There is a range of digital cameras in the market that is suitable for travel so look around and get one that suits your budget! Click here to find out more.


2) Portable Charger

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Nothing can go wrong when you have a portable charger at hand. No one wants to be away from the hotel and venture around only to have their mobile phone battery be completely drained out. For me, I depend heavily on my mobile phone on a trip as I constantly check for routes and facilities available. Having a portable charger makes it possible to venture out the whole day without much hassle or stress. Click here to find out more.


3) Portable Wifi Device

Photo by Burst on Pexels

Living in the 21st century makes it hard to live without internet (unless you wish to have a healing trip without disturbance from the media). Sometimes getting free wifi in a foreign country is tedious and so therefore, portable wifi does its magic.

I understand that most telecom providers these days offer roaming packages at affordable prices but I still prefer portable wifi as I can connect to multiple devices at the same time and even share my wifi with my travel buddy.

Apart from that, most portable wifi routers that I've rented before have good coverage, even when I was up in the mountain! It never hurts to do some research on the portable wifi device before a trip as some offer unlimited data usage and some do not. Click here to find out more.


4) Universal Adapter

Credit: Amazon

It is important to note that some hotels do not provide power adapters for travelers. And so, if you are planning to have a long-stay in a particular country, I would advise you to purchase an adapter specific to that country.

And if you are venturing out to various countries at a time, a universal adapter would be most ideal for you. Click here to find out more.


5) Travel Iron

Credit: Amazon

As a hijabi myself, I'm well aware of how wrinkled hijabs can get. I used to pack Pashmina in my luggage as it leaves fewer creases when folded but it really takes up space due to its thick wool material. As not all accommodation provide irons, travel iron is truly a life saver.

Now, I can safely say that I am confident to pack my chiffon shawl in my luggage because I am rest assured that the creases can be fixed with my travel iron! A travel iron is really handy and portable, designed as light-weight and safe for travel. Click here to find out more.


6) Swisscard Lite

Credit: Amazon

You never know when you're in need of a scissor or a pocket knife, especially when you're taking a taxi ride back to your hotel alone and in the middle of the night.

As small as the size of a credit card, it consists of a knife, scissors, screwdriver, tweezers and magnifying glass. One piece of advice that I would give you though is that if you are carrying sharp items, make sure to check them in and not hand-carry them. This will ensure you don't get your items confiscated. Click here to find out more.


7) Anti-theft Backpack

Credit: Amazon

While being overseas, it is always advisable that you research on the crime rates in the area you'll be staying at. After all, nobody would want to be in a position where they're stressing over their missing valuables. And that's where this type of bag comes in handy.

The anti-theft backpack differs from a normal backpack as it has secret pockets, a charging port (I know right?), slash-proof material and a sturdy zipper; to name a few of the features. Ultimately, this bag will keep your mind at ease as you do not become an easy target to pickpockets. Click here to find out more.


8) Portable Mini Cooker

Credit: Amazon

Lastly, if you have a little extra space in your luggage, why not bring a mini rice cooker! Hotels usually provide an electric kettle in each hotel room but that will only allow you to cook instant food like cup noodles or oatmeal.

Especially when you're in a non-Muslim country where it may be difficult to find Halal food, it is best that you cook your own meals. After all, you should be saving money to try out activites or purchase souveniers, don't waste all your money on food! Click here to find out more.


Hope this list of travel gadgets will suffice!

Suhanah is always traveling to find inspiration and tranquility. She works on shift based, writes during her free time and loves art.

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