We're nearing the end of 2021 and on this SideTalk, we reflect on what we wish to improve and do differently as we enter 2022. These are not big resolutions or promises but small contemplations for everyone to pause and ponder as we enter a new year.

What to Listen For
- Rapid Fire Questions
- If you were a heroine in a movie, who would be your hero?
- What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
- What is your favorite takeaway meal?
- How many kids do you want to have?
- Main Topic: New Year Resolutions
- What do you want to focus on?
- Raudha: "Continue focusing on my health... Commit more to the things that I want to do and cleaning my photo album"
- 26,000 photos
- Nurul: "Taking time off and taking it slow and have more time to focus on other aspects of my life"
- Meditation, relaxing and taking a "chill pill"
- iWatch what?
- Hazirah: "I want to be a better person, daughter, student, individual... if someone asks what are you doing or what defines yourself? I want to be able to give a better answer."
- What is the answer that she wants to be able to give them?
- Appreciate distractions more
- Cooking a time-waster?
- What are your resolutions? Or What are the things that you are looking or planning to do in 2022?
Halal Travel Podcast
The Halal Travel Podcast hosted by Hazirah, Nurul, and Raudha as they talk candidly about travel, food, life, and everything else in between and sometimes with awesome guests! Listen to moving and inspirational stories from our guests from all walks of life.
Check out The Halal Travel Podcast page here!