As a speech language therapist, Shamiah assists children in mainstream pre-school in speech therapy, language skills, and social skills. She shares the importance of early detection and intervention and the common misconceptions people have about speech therapists (hint: they're not the same as English language teachers!) We hope you love this episode and Shamiah as much as we do!

What to Listen For
- Introduction to Shamiah Bafadhal and what is a Speech Therapist?
- What does a Speech Therapist do?
- Speech Therapy package
- Most common reasons why a child gets flagged for speech therapy
- Importance of Understanding
- The age range of children
- When should you intervene?
- Nurseries, for a child, is enrolling into a nursery or child care give the child an advantage?
- What happens in a speech therapy session?
- Speech case vs language case
- "A space where they can be themselves for them to express themselves" - Following the lead
- Association between therapy and medical practices
- Bridging medical aspects with quality of life and more
- Difference between Language teachers and Speech Therapists
- Advice on getting the attention of children
- Children born with a condition with their tongue
- Cases where the problem persists even after the sessions and what happens next?
- "Not a pill solution but a process"
- Tongue-tie release
- Speech impediments in adults
- Trouble connecting with others
- Tips for young parents - What can they do at home for language stimulation?
- Engage and have a conversation with children
- Not leaving it to the last minute
- Separating whether the child is being shy/an introvert or having speech issues
- "Every individual is different"
- Speech Therapy and autism - Social Thinking
- Self-Regulatory problem
- Pelat - Lisps
- A personality?
- "...Attentive, aware and supportive of your child's individuality is an important thing"
- Where to find speech therapists if you need one?
Selected Links From the Episode
Speech and Language Therapists Singapore (SALTS)
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