10 Things to Do This Year to Prepare for Eid Al-Adha

By Hooria Tahir | 23, May, 2024
10 Things to Do This Year to Prepare for Eid Al-Adha

One of the most significant celebrations observed by Muslims around the world is Eid Al-Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice. It commemorates the story of Prophet Ibrahim sacrificing His son as an act of worship to Allah, the Almighty. 

Preparing for this spiritual celebration should help make your Eid that much more special. It is a time for self-reflecting, gratitude, and of course, building a stronger connection to God. This annual celebration should be your best one yet, and we’ve got a few ideas on how you can make this happen, here are ten things to do for Eid Al-Adha in 2024.

Get more information by visiting our Hajj, Umrah, and Eid Al-Adha dedicated information page and read more Hajj, Umrah, and Eid Al-Adha articles here!

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1. Revisit History relearning stories in quran

Image Credit: Md Mahdi on Unsplash

It is always great to connect to our roots and actually learn as much as we can about our beautiful religion. Revisiting the story of Prophet Ibrahim and His son Ismail can help strengthen our faith. Revisiting the story can also help us have a deeper understanding of what God’s message is and how it correlates to the current situation we all have in hand, making us appreciate this annual event even more. 


2. Plan Your Sacrifice 

It is best to decide on your animal well before Eid for a smooth celebration. Doing so will also help you plan other things that follow the sacrifice timely; like choosing a good butcher and the sacrificial site as some areas have different rules as to where you can make the sacrifice. Also, remember to check that your choice of animal meets all requirements like age and health. 


3. Organize Charitable Activities 

Giving back is a huge part of Islam and what Muslims should part take in often. Take some time this Eid to help those who are less fortunate. Remember to look for local charities near your home so you can easily help those within your reach. Eid is a time to give and share. Give individuals in need assistance, whether it takes the shape of food, clothing, or cash. 

You may also be able to volunteer at local communities that need help during Eid giving back to the less fortunate. The feeling you get after is unbelievably rewarding and will make celebrating more special. 


4. Prepare For Eid Prayer in Advance ladies' section eid prayer

Image Credit: Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Many Muslims will try to make each Eid special by bringing their own unique touch to the holiday. Preparing for the Eid prayer in advance is a great idea for doing things differently this year. Try thinking about what you want to thank Allah for all the blessings that you’ve received so far. You can make a list in your mind before the actual prayer so you know you don’t miss anything. This can be a great time for some peace and quiet and personal reflection. 


5. Wish Family And Friends 

Make time during the day to spend with the people you cherish and love. Pay a visit to your close family members to let them know you are thinking of them. Surprise them with Eid presents to put a smile on their faces. If you were unable to see them in person, send them a short text message wishing them a happy Eid, or connect with them digitally via a video call.


6. Decorate Your Home 

Cleaning and decorating your home should always be a priority before Eid as it will help set the tone for the joyous holiday to commence. Both you and your family deserve a beautiful time off from worldly stresses and enjoying every bit of Eid in a clean and decorated home will make it even better. 

You could try hanging fairy lights and decorated moons and stars that represent the beauty that is Eid in Islam. Doing all this can create the perfect atmosphere for celebrating Eid this year. 


7. Create New Traditions gift giving

Image Credits: Mediamodifier on Unsplash

The great thing about traditions is that you can make new ones yourself. This Eid Al-Adha, look for ways to create new traditions with your family or friends that help you feel elevated and closer to Allah. You can try sending out gifts as a kind gesture or doing charity work with your children. 


8. Share Islamic Stories 

Telling your children Islamic stories as Eid approaches is a great way to uplift their faith and get the festive mood going. Sharing these stories will enhance their Eid celebrations and keep them in touch with the importance of this Holy event. 


9. Help Out At Home 

If you’re hosting an Eid lunch or dinner this year then try getting involved with the preparations. You can help decorate, cook, or even clean for the event. Doing so will you feel more involved and it's a great way to bond with loved ones


10. Enjoy Yourself eid with friends and family

Image Credit: Gradikaa Aggi on Unsplash

Eid exists for celebration and preparations can make us feel carried away. But it is important to take a deep breath and enjoy this wonderful holiday while sharing it with the people that we love. Remember to make it more joyous by spreading positivity everywhere you go! 

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