How to Set Ramadan Goals for a More Fulfilling Month

By Nur Qa'riah | 14, Mar, 2025
How to Set Ramadan Goals for a More Fulfilling Month

Making the most of Ramadan can be challenging, but during this blessed month, setting goals for Ramadan is a wonderful and thoughtful way to spend the month. It is a great time for spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and self-improvement, and it can be one goal moving forward that we can bring into our daily lives, step out of our comfort zones, and reset our routines. Here are some ideas for setting meaningful goals.

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Seeking Knowledge
a person sitting at a desk with a book and a cell phone

Image credit: Masjid MABA on Unsplash

In Islam, we are encouraged to seek knowledge and exercise our intellect to think and ponder. 

وَسَخَّرَ لَكُم مَّا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا مِّنْهُ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

"And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth - all from Him. Indeed in that are signs for people who give thought" (Surah Al-Jathiyah, 45:13)

At the same time, gaining knowledge helps to strengthen our faith and helps us practice Islam with understanding. Dedicating some time each day to learning about Islam and gaining new knowledge even during your busy days, here are a few ways for you to achieve your goal of seeking knowledge.

Reading more Islamic books

As Muslims, we are encouraged to broaden our horizons and deepen our understanding. During Ramadan, you can aim to get started on one Islamic book. For a list of suggestions, check out our suggested list of books to read during Ramadan here. Alternatively, you can consider reading the Tafsir, which is the explanation or interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an.

Tune in to Islamic podcasts or lectures

One of the most popular and easiest ways of incorporating a small act into your daily life is listening to Islamic podcasts or listening to a scholar online. It is a great way to switch off from the outside world, calm your mind and enjoy some time to yourself. To further this practice, you can write down what key learnings or points you’ve enjoyed. As there are many options to choose from, here is a list we’ve created on Islamic podcasts for you to check out.

Reading the Qur'an
Man reading Qur'an

Image credit: Rachid Oucharia on Unsplash

The Qur’an is the Muslim’s guide and code to life. During Ramadan, take the time to reconnect with the Qur’an during the month that it was sent down. Decide your goal, be it reciting or listening each day. For example, allocating time, reading one juz each day or a specific number of pages, and aiming to complete the Qur’an by the end of Ramadan.

Relearning the Basics of Prayer

As one of the core practices in Islam, it is always great to relearn our practice and remember the true essence and meaning of our ibadah. Place your focus on offering all five prayers on time with full concentration, and try to pray in a congregation (Jama'ah) whenever possible.

To add on, you can also focus on Taraweeh prayers, as they are a great opportunity to strengthen your connection to Allah. You can attend Taraweeh prayers regularly or try to pray at home with your family.

Increasing Thoughtful Actions
A man holding his hand out

Image credit: Masjid Pogung Dalangan on Unsplash

One small, thoughtful act per day can help one become more grateful, have a peaceful heart, enhance happiness, strengthen social relationships, and reduce stress. If you aim to be more mindful this Ramadan, here are a few goals for you to consider.

Small acts of charity (Sadaqah)

Be generous during the month of Ramadan. Apart from Zakat, which is obligatory, go a step further. Try setting a goal for how much sadaqah you want to give during the month. It could be a fixed amount each day or an overall sum. It could also be visiting your neighbors to help them. However, sadaqah does not necessarily have to be physical or monetary. Simple acts, like smiling or removing a harmful object from your path, are seen as acts of sadaqah.

Increasing Zikr

Zikr is a simple, direct and powerful way to strengthen our relationship with Allah S.W.T. This is a great way to remain mindful of Him throughout the day. 

One of the Companions said, "O Messenger of Allah. There are many injunctions of Islam for me. So tell me something to which I may hold fast." He said, "Keep your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah." [At-Tirmidhi].

Set aside a certain amount of time (be it just 5 minutes or 10 minutes) to engage in zikr, such as saying "SubhanAllah," "Alhamdulillah," "Allahu Akbar," or reciting morning/evening supplications.

Making Dua

In the month of Ramadan, Allah is especially merciful and responsive to the supplications of His servants. Make a list of supplications (Du’a), including ones for yourself, your loved ones, and the global Muslim community. Write duas in a journal so you don't forget what to ask for when it's time to supplicate. Set a time each day to make these duas, ask for forgiveness and guidance from Allah.

Unplug more often

One way to increase thoughtful acts during Ramadan is resisting the urge to check your phone often and browsing social media. Allocate specific times to check non-urgent emails and messages and control your device screen time.

The Habit of Journaling
fountain pen on black lined paper

Image credit: Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Journaling can be an easy way for one to learn the deen and understand the Quran and Hadith. It is great to also have a Ramadan journal to keep you feeling motivated when you see progress, and it helps to accomplish goals that you would not if you did not have a plan.

Reflecting on the Qur’an

If reading the Qur’an is one of your goals, this is a great step to add to your practice. You can write a verse of the Quran, reflect on it, and then jot down the main points that stood out to you. You can also do this with a Hadith you read.

Increasing your gratitude

Self-reflection can help you stay connected to your goal and check your progress. You can write down the things you’re grateful for each day, be it big or small, reflecting on your journey throughout the month.

Stay Consistent with Your Ramadan Goals

These are some goals that you can set during Ramadan. Make small efforts for yourself each day, ones that are reasonable and easy to keep to, even on those harder days. The main point is to be consistent and attain your goals in the long run. Assign blocks of time in your life or set small targets each day so you can utilize your time more effectively.

While working on these, remember to maximize the last ten nights. We can constantly work on our sincerity by checking and renewing our intentions.

So, what are your goals this Ramadan? May Allah S.W.T. strengthen you and ease your affairs this Ramadan to fulfill your goals, Ameen.

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