All You Need to Know Before Moving to a New Country

By Nathasha Wickramasinghe | 13, Sep, 2019
All You Need to Know Before Moving to a New Country

People move overseas for various reasons - travel, work, studies or simply for a better lifestyle. Moving to a foreign land can be an amazing experience, yet a very daunting one as well. Prior to moving, there are many things that you should take into account such as the time spent on packing and cost of living. 

To help ease your worries, here are a list of 5 tips that'll help you be fully prepared when you're moving abroad.


1. Housing

Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels

The number one priority for anyone planning to migrate overseas is housing. Yes, this may seem troublesome to settle but it is the most essential step in your moving process.

Rather than stay in an Airbnb apartment or hostel, you should opt for something more permanent. It's also important that you do thorough research on whether you would have access to necessities like water, electricity and the Internet. You should also take note of the steps in purchasing your new home such as having to sign a lease for which the first month of pay or or having to pay a security deposit up front.

Remember to use reputable sites to check for houses up for rent. It would be an additional bonus if you seek your information from a local or someone from your hometown that has moved to the country which you're intending to move to. In addition to assisting you, they will be especially helpful in overcoming any language barriers which you may encounter during your move.

On the other hand, you may also find suitable accomodation the old fashioned way, which is by getting in touch with a real estate agent, reading the Classified section on the newspaper or even by talking to an expat – their recommendations would be the best as you can get an idea of what you want and where to find the right housing based on their experiences.


2. Cost of living

Photo by from Pexels

The cost of living in a country is one of the most important factors that you should consider before moving to a new country. Some cities have a very high cost of living while others have a more affordable cost of living. It is so important that you do your research on which country is most suitable for you because a low cost of living may mean that the city may is not very well-developed and safe.

A good way to approximate which cost of living is suitable for you is by basing it on your income. Real estate and food prices go up if the city is a capital. One tip I would give you is that you should find housing in the suburbs where cost of living is usually more affordable than places located near the centre of the city.


3. Job market

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

When you're deciding which country you're moving to, you should always make it a point to check the job market of the particular city that you're moving to and also base your decision on the type of job you're looking for. Be sure to do your thorough research on whether the country has well-developed industries and has jobs available for you.

More so, you could also look into niche jobs, as some city job markets may be saturated. Always check if you have the right requirements and then apply for a job before leaving a country, so that at least you can feel at ease knowing you have your means of income secured.


4. Co-work and co-living spaces

Photo by Visual Tag Mx from Pexels

If you are someone who is always on the move and loves experiencing new things constantly, opting for a co-working and co-living space is best.

A lot of digital nomads are going for this trend these days, where you live and work in the same place and meet other digital nomads and entrepreneurs. Some of the best places to stay at are Sun and Co in Spain, Mokrin House in Northern Serbia, Unsettled located at Barcelona, Tuscany, Bali and Cape town, Roam located at Tokyo, Miami, Bali and San Francisco.


5. Learn the language

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 

If the country you're moving to has a national language that you're unfamiliar with, it is best that you sign up for language classes so you ease your worries of encountering language barriers in your new country. Indeed, communication is essential when moving abroad and this will ensure that you don't feel alienated upon your arrival.

Some countries may even require you to have a language qualification. Thus, you should do some background research on whether the visa you're applying for requires any sort of qualification.


All in all, these points should cover most of the essentials that you should take into account before moving abroad. Hopefully, these points will make you feel prepared and reduce your worries when you're moving. Good luck and have fun!

An introverted old soul who loves writing, reading, art, music, food, and cats.

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