How to Maintain Your Weight During Ramadan

By Ihab Ou-ouda | 19, Apr, 2022
How to Maintain Your Weight During Ramadan

We can't deny that Ramadan can be a little bit chaotic for our food habits. And with chaotic food habits comes a weight change. It's only natural to notice a little change in your weight after the first few days of Ramadan.

If you want to keep your healthy weight either from loss or gain, there are some strategies that you should follow.

This article will provide some common advice for people who want to avoid weight loss/gain during Ramadan. Read the full text, and you might end up with the most suitable strategy for you to maintain your weight during Ramadan.

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Maintain Weight During Ramadan for People who Gain itweights on the ground for you to lift

Image Credit: Ambitious Creative Co. - Rick Barrett on Unsplash  

After a long day of fasting, we often tend to spoil ourselves during Iftar and Suhoor, which works against us most of the time. Instead of coming out of Ramadan with the same weight or even less than before, we end up gaining more.

When we look back at the reason why we gained so much weight, we find out that we've had more than enough junk food. It's tough to control oneself around a full Iftar table with all the best that your local cuisine has to offer. We often drool over the Ramadan table before the Maghreb is declared. The moment we hear "Allahu Akbar", nothing can stop us from shoving everything into our mouths.

Gaining weight during Ramadan might be a natural thing that you experience every year. To countereffect that, you should exercise more often. Going to the local gym after Tarawih should be something to add to your schedule. Instead of stressing out about what you should eat or should not eat, use the energy you get from your food to good use.

Nothing beats physical activity in turning excess energy into something healthy instead of accumulating as fat.


Maintain Weight During Ramadan for People who Lose ita collection of food

Image Credit: Valeriya Avdeeva on Unsplash  

Abstaining from eating for up to 13 hours a day isn't exactly the kind of behavior that keeps your weight stable. It's only natural to notice that you lost some weight after three or four days after Ramadan begins.

It might be a good sign when you're a little bit overweight. Losing weight might be exactly the kind of thing you need to enhance your overall health a little bit. Ramadan gives you the opportunity to lose weight and get spiritually closer to God. It's like hitting two birds with the same stone.

But that doesn't apply to everyone. Perhaps, you're satisfied with your weight as it is. Ramadan might be a threat to your ideal weight.

While being a little overweight might be something you or your loved ones idealize – some girls and women appreciate having curvy bodies for some reasons – it's always recommended to have a healthy body mass index (BMI). Having your weight in the healthy range is more important than your self-image, especially if you're above 30 years old.

The best strategy to maintain your weight for being lost during Ramadan is to keep your protein and calorie intake consistent with regular days. Sometimes, we eat low-calorie foods that come in large quantities, like salads, that make us feel full, even though their calories are insufficient.

Also, make sure to eat a meal between breakfast and Suhoor to make sure you're eating enough.


Bottom linea weight scale

Image Credit: Kenny Eliason on Unsplash  

You can easily calculate your BMI using this website. Knowing how to manage your weight in accordance with your height is something you should always keep in mind, especially for health reasons, not to mention aesthetic reasons.

While you're on it, check out this blog about Quick and Easy Suhoor Recipes.

A passionate writer who enjoys writing about everything

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