Phew! Today was rough. We were on the road most of the time and it was bumpy. We drove up and down and by the end of the day, I got really sick. Lelah even threw up. I just needed to find my equilibrium.

But even with all that, we had a great time.
We started off with lunch at Nasi Liwet "Asep Strawberry" Ciaro, Nagreg. This really was the highlight of the day. All off us on the trip agreed that this tops the day.

Right from the point when we entered the restaurant, the view had me. Imagine eating overlooking mountains and paddy fields! The air was very cool. And of course the food was amazing. I think I gained 3kg already. Hehe.

Then we headed off to Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya Tasikmalaya. It was really an insightful visit.
After that we were back on the road. The drive to our resort was a long and arduous one. But the it was all worth it. The resort was nothing short of amazing.

I love Garut. I'll be back.
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