Food Adventures: Halal Exotic Delights That You Should Try at Least Once

By Deidre Casandra M. | 03, Jul, 2023
Food Adventures: Halal Exotic Delights That You Should Try at Least Once

Exotic food refers to cuisine or ingredients considered unusual, uncommon, or unique to a particular region or culture. These foods often possess distinctive flavors, textures, or preparation methods not commonly encountered in mainstream or familiar cuisines. If you’re looking for exotic foods yet Halal, here are some interesting ones.

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1. Taraptarap fruit

Image Credit: MySabah official website.

Tarap, or marang or terap, is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It belongs to the same family as jackfruit and breadfruit, which have similar appearances and textures. The fruit is large and oval-shaped, with a green or brownish-green rough exterior. It is exotic due to its distinct taste, where when it ripens, it has a sweet and custard-like flesh that is creamy and fragrant. In terms of its Halal status, tarap is generally considered Halal as it is a fruit and not subject to specific Halal or Haram restrictions in Islamic dietary guidelines.

You can find it in local markets, fruit stalls, and street vendors in regions where it is grown. In Malaysia, for example, you can find tarap in traditional wet markets, such as Chow Kit Market in Kuala Lumpur or Borneo Street Market in Kota Kinabalu. Similarly, in Indonesia, you can find tarap in traditional markets like Pasar Santa in Jakarta or Pasar Gede in Yogyakarta. It is commonly available during the tarap season, typically between June and September, but availability may vary depending on the region and specific growing conditions.


2. Falafeldelicious falafels

Image Credit: Anton on Unsplash

Falafel is a well-liked culinary creation from the Middle East. Combining ground chickpeas or fava beans with a blend of herbs, spices, and additional elements forms a delightful dish. It is exotic due to the mixture of the ingredients of the falafel that is not easy to find and not widely available in every part of the world. These exotic ingredients are then formed into balls or patties and then deep-fried until crispy.

Regarding its Halal status, falafel is generally considered Halal as the main ingredients, such as chickpeas or fava beans, herbs, and spices, are permissible in Islamic dietary guidelines. However, it's crucial to ensure the falafel is prepared in a Halal manner, with no cross-contamination with non-Halal ingredients or alcohol.

One of the many cities known for its exceptional falafel is Beirut, Lebanon. Beirut is renowned for its delicious falafel. The city is home to numerous falafel shops and stands that serve fresh, flavorful falafel sandwiches.


3. Couscouscouscous

Image Credit: Jennifer Burk on Unsplash

Couscous is a type of grain that is commonly used in Middle Eastern and North African cuisines. It is exotic because it is made from durum wheat semolina, moistened, and rolled into tiny granules. Couscous has a light and fluffy texture. In terms of its Halal status, couscous is generally considered Halal. The main ingredient, durum wheat semolina, is permissible in Islamic dietary guidelines.

When it comes to popular places that sell couscous, you can find it in various Middle Eastern and North African restaurants and eateries. One of the famous places that sell couscous is in Marrakech, Morocco. Marrakech is renowned for its authentic Moroccan cuisine, offering a wide array of mouthwatering couscous dishes that can be savored at numerous restaurants and street food vendors.


4. Sago worm

Sago worm, also known as ulat sagu, is the larval stage of the sago palm weevil and is Borneo's most popular exotic food. It is commonly found in the trunk of sago palm trees, particularly in Southeast Asia. Regarding its Halal status, the sago worm is considered permissible for consumption according to Islamic dietary guidelines as it is not harmful to the body.

Apart from parts of Malaysia in Borneo, this exotic delicacy can also be found in some parts of Indonesia. You can get it at local markets, street food stalls, or traditional food markets. You are more likely to encounter sago worms sold as food items in these places.


5. HuitlacocheA bowl of Huitlacoche.

Image Credit: Odin Reyna via Pexels

Huitlacoche, often called corn smut or Mexican truffle, is an exotic culinary delicacy characterized by a fungus that develops on corn cobs. It has a unique appearance, with swollen, blackish-grey kernels replacing the standard corn kernels. While huitlacoche might seem like a plant disease, it is considered a culinary delicacy in Mexican cuisine. Regarding its Halal status, huitlacoche is generally considered Halal as it is derived from corn and are prepared with no haram ingredients, which is permissible in Islamic dietary guidelines.

Huitlacoche is primarily used in Mexican cuisine and is highly valued for its distinctive flavor. It has a savory, earthy taste similar to mushrooms with hints of sweetness. Huitlacoche is used in various dishes, such as quesadillas, soups, tacos, and tamales, where it adds a rich and unique flavor profile. Regarding popular places that sell huitlacoche, you are more likely to find it in Mexico and areas influenced by Mexican cuisine. Local markets, street food stalls, and traditional Mexican restaurants are the best places to look for huitlacoche-based dishes.


Remember, when trying new exotic foods, it's important to ensure that they are prepared in a Halal manner, using ingredients and cooking methods that adhere to Islamic dietary guidelines if you are a Muslim looking for permissible food.

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