We woke up to the gorgeous ocean view from where we laid down on our comfy bed. We didnt catch the sunrise as it was supposed to be on the opposite side and we were like "Alamak wasted sia". But it was ok, the view was so mesmerizing.
We had our quick breakfast and we boarded our mini bus and took off to the Monfort Bat Cave. We were told that the place obtained the World Guiness world record for the highest population of bats in the world - approximately 2 million. There were so many of them.
After half an hour we went back to our mini van and proceeded to Paradise Island to have an early lunch. We went straight to Caffe Firenzo to taste iced durian coffee before flying to Manila. We were so tired that we slept throughout the journey to Manila.
After we reached our destination, we were welcomed by our new tour guide and who brought us to Marriott Hotel. We had our dinner and I tell you - our food, very sedap la sey!!! The best I've ever had so far. So many varieties. 5 star hotel! Of course la...Not forgetting the dessert corner where I had chocolate fondue with various condiments, gelato, creme brule, black forest cake and my favourite - the bread pudding!! Very sweet like me!
We chatted for a little while until we got to our rooms to have a good rest. Tomorrow is our last day here...I don't want to go home!! Well good things don't last forever but I wished it hadn't ended so soon.
Goodnight :(
Click on my timeline for more updates from my journey: https://www.halaltrip.com/user/timeline/44935/