Get organized with awesome travel hacks all parents need to know for that highly anticipated family vacation. As much as parents love spending time with their little ones, flying with a toddler is no easy feat – which is why some essential travel hacks will help make things go along easily with lower potential for mishaps.
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When traveling with toddlers and kids, keeping them occupied by playing a few games such as ‘I spy’ will make them take interest in their surroundings. Carry a few of their best-loved books to read to them while traveling or a favourite toy, as younger children will feel more comfortable when they have something that reminds them of home. When it comes to essential travel hacks, don’t forget to look for portable toddler games – but you need not carry many items along, a few interesting toys would be fine.
One of the essential travel hacks for any parent is to carry first aid items. It’s rather easy for most children to get into small accidents and hurt themselves when running around, and having certain items will help you remain better prepared – especially in worst case scenarios. You can carry Band-Aids, cotton buds, pain killers, allergy medications and insect repellent in your carry-on luggage quite easily – or a small travel size first aid kit will do. Always pack your kit in a transparent and durable pouch.
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A vacation with kids can be fun and hectic at the same time. Carrying a light stroller to move your child around is ideal, but a baby carrier is much easier to manage especially in crowded areas and airports. Your hands will be free so that you can multitask – which is very useful when traveling with babies. Do have a look at a baby sling as well which is quite light to carry around too.
Pack some healthy snacks to take along with so that your kids can snack on during a flight. Dried fruit, cereals or small pretzels are some great snacks to take on your trip when flying with a toddler, you can even check out recipes online and make some before you leave. Another great tip is to carry chewy or jelly snacks so that the kids can chew on them as the plane is landing to deal with ear popping – keeping the jaw in motion will help deal with this.
Pack your children’s clothing with dry sheets between them to prevent any unpleasant odours from forming – since you might have to wash their clothing more often, but you can even do this for your own clothes. Another ideal tip is to carry a lint-roller so that you can remove crumbs or other residues from your clothing after feeding times. You can also pack your child’s clothing in a zip lock bag to help you sort out items and keep them dry Always carry an extra zip lock bag or two as well, just in case of a messy emergency. Additionally, when traveling with toddlers keep items for cleaning and changing in separate bags so you won’t need to pull out everything from your suitcase.
With some of the best travel hacks for parents, you will find fewer hassles to deal with when traveling with toddlers during your family vacation – so do try them out.