For those who are planning on completing Hajj or Umrah, below are a couple of tips that may help you during your journey.
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Tip #1 - Visa![visa approval to travel](
Keep in mind that individuals traveling alone will not be issued a visa and that all potential pilgrims must apply for their visas through a qualified travel agent. Visas will only be issued once approved by the Saudi Embassy.
Tip #2 - Vaccinations ![vaccinations required for travel](
Image Credit: Diana Polekhina on Unsplash
As you assemble all of your travel documents, be sure to schedule all necessary vaccinations with your doctor. The Saudi Ministry of Health requires that you arrive prepared with vaccination certificates for Meningococcal Meningitis, Yellow Fever, COVID-19, and Influenza. Do check the regulations regularly as each pilgrims might need different vaccination according to their country requirements and health condition.
Tip #3 - Medical Conditions ![medicines that you'll probably need](
If you have any health conditions make sure that you take along adequate quantities of your medicine. It would be smart to always carry a medical bracelet or even an index card stating your medical condition, the medicines you are taking, and in what doses, as well as any allergies that you may have. Be sure to list emergency contact information in case of an urgent situation. Even if you do not have any health conditions, take along basic pain killers and gastrointestinal relief remedies for any stomach discomforts. Those who have sensitive stomachs and are prone to illness when eating unfamiliar substances should take preserved items such as granola bars or dried fruit. Also, always carry a bottle of water with you.
Tip #4 - What to Take ![determining what to bring in your bag](
Your accommodation and transport situation will be hectic as you and a million other people take this journey. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and pack a pair of sandals as well. Do not pack too many clothes, as taking care of a large suitcase will be a hassle. Be sure to pack many pairs of socks and a sweater since the weather in Madina gets a little chilly in the evenings.
Tip #5 - Expensive Items
Last but not least, it is unnecessary to take anything expensive with you on your journey. Jewelry and electronics are needless and once misplaced, will be gone forever. Have a fulfilling pilgrimage and may Allah (Subhana Wata'ala) protect you and your family during your journey.