Ada banyak alasan mengapa Spanyol, khususnya Andalusia, masuk ke dalam daftar destinasi yang paling diinginkan untuk dikunjungi di dunia oleh turis, terutama bagi para pelancong Muslim. Diantaranya adalah...
There are many reasons why Spain, and specifically Andalusia, ranks among the most desired destinations in the world, especially for Muslim travelers: an impressive historical and cultural heritage, delicious...
Andalusia is a dream destination for Muslims from all over the world, and there are plenty of reasons for it. The main one is its rich Islamic heritage, with iconic and prodigious monuments like the Alhambra...
Andalusia adalah tujuan impian bagi banyak umat Muslim dari seluruh dunia, dan terdapat banyak alasan untuk itu. Alasan utamanya adalah warisan Islamnya yang kaya, dengan monumen ikonik dan megah seperti...
From the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, through the Strait of Gibraltar, down across the Atlantic Ocean coastline to the Cape of Good Hope, and along the Indian Ocean past Madagascar and the Mozambique...