Indonesia, sebagai negara kepulauan, memiliki kekayaan alam yang luar biasa. Dari garis pantai yang membentang luas hingga pegunungan yang menjulang tinggi, Indonesia menawarkan berbagai destinasi alam...
Laper, laper, dan laper. Gitu aja deh kalau sudah punya agenda penuh untuk keliling kota, yang berarti harus di list dong apa yang mau dicoba? Pas banget! Jika kamu sedang berada di Semarang dengan agenda...
Craving for coffee? How about saving some money with some DIY Coffee Recipes?
Coffee is no doubt, the most popular drink in the world after water. Who can resist the aromatic scent of freshly grounded...
As a seasoned traveler, you may have some hotel hacks up your sleeve. But do you know all of them?
Traveling is a lot more fun when you know the little tips and tricks to elevate your stay without additional...
You may be watching extreme sports competitions on TV and wonder if it is possible to try an extreme sport on your own. The answer is yes, you can try all these extreme sports at least once in your life!