Islamic Cultural Association 44, rue de Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette
All prayers including formal jum'a
165 Mühlenweg, Luxemburg City, Luxembourg 2155
157 Route de Longwy, Luxemburg City, Luxembourg 1940
66 Rue de Hollerich, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg 1740
24 Rue de Strasbourg, Luxemburg City, Luxembourg 2560
7 Avenue du Dix Septembre, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg 2551
19 Rue Philippe II, 2340 Luxembourg
Religious and cultural Islamic Association of West 64, Rue de l'Eglise Differdange Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette
Islamic Association of the Mean 32, Higher Ground Bonnevoie Luxembourg City Luxembourg
5 Place Ambroise Thomas 54350 Mont-Saint-Martin France
36 Rue Pasteur 54400 Longwy France