Jeddah Hotels
Holiday Inn Jeddah Al Salam has been given a rating of 6 by CrescentRating and is an excellent Halal hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Holiday Inn Jeddah Al Salam is located about 20 kilometres away from the King Abdulaziz Airport and is a great option for Muslim travellers looking for Muslim-friendly hotels in Jeddah. Facilities for Muslim guests at the hotel include prayer facilities such as prayer mats and prayer timetables that are available on request, designated prayer areas and guestrooms which are equipped with a Quran and marked prayer directions. No alcohol is served at the hotel and only Halal food is available at Holiday Inn Jeddah Al Salam. The hotel is also equipped with a Halal certified restaurant and a list of the Halal restaurants close to the hotel can also be provided.
Please note that the hotel's pool is for gentlemen only.
You'll find more information in our privacy statement and terms and conditions.
Please note that the hotel's pool is for gentlemen only.
You'll find more information in our privacy statement and terms and conditions.
Holiday Inn Jeddah Al Salam has been given a rating of 6 by CrescentRating and is an excellent Halal hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Holiday Inn Jeddah Al Salam is located about 20 kilometres away from the King Abdulaziz Airport and is a great option for Muslim travellers looking for Muslim-friendly hotels in Jeddah. Facilities for Muslim guests at the hotel include prayer facilities such as prayer mats and prayer timetables that are available on request, designated prayer areas and guestrooms which are equipped with a Quran and marked prayer directions. No alcohol is served at the hotel and only Halal food is available at Holiday Inn Jeddah Al Salam. The hotel is also equipped with a Halal certified restaurant and a list of the Halal restaurants close to the hotel can also be provided.