Owners assures that the food is Halal. Also has prayer mats for those who want to perform their salaath.
one of the halal Indian food restaurants in Jeju
대한민국 제주특별자치도 제주시 삼도2동 2-1
261-13 Yeon-dong, Cheju, Jeju-do, South Korea
Aewollo 1(il)-gil, Aewol-eup, Jeju Island
Jeju, South Korea
Will vary depending on the activity
#23 Seondeok-ro, Jeju City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Mt Hallasan, Jeju Island, South Korea
Will vary with each of the chosen trails
38 Seogwang-ro 32-gil, Idoi-dong, Cheju, Jeju-do, South Korea
South Korea, Jeju-do, Jeju-si, Nohyeong-dong, Noyeon-ro, 42 1208 ??????