The picturesque maze of charming streets revolving around the Plaza de los Naranjos, lined with white washed houses, outdoor cafes and restaurants, fascinating little shops and boutique, are all part of Marbella’s Old Town. This magical part of...more
The picturesque maze of charming streets revolving around the Plaza de los Naranjos, lined with white washed houses, outdoor cafes and restaurants, fascinating little shops and boutique, are all part of Marbella’s Old Town. This magical part of the city is a great place to discover a different side of the popular tourist destination of the rich and famous. Strolling down these charming narrow streets, with the fragrance of oranges in the air, stopping for a cup of coffee in one of the cafes in the Plaza de los Naranjos, also known as the Orange Square due to the plethora of orange trees, is a delightful way to start your day. Buildings such as the former Casa del Corregidor from the seventeenth century, and the city’s Town Hall from the sixteenth century located around the square gives it a historic feel to it. Aside from savoring a traditional meal at one of the many restaurants here, tourists can also get some lovely souvenirs to take back home from the old fashioned boutiques in the Old Town.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Around an hour or more
Adults, senior visitors, young adults, families, children
The charming white washed houses with beautiful courtyards, the marvelous old buildings, the old fashioned shops and boutiques
Muslim tourists may not find prayer facilities located in the Old Town area; however they will be able to find prayer facilities in the city of Marbella. The Al Risalat Mosque is a prominent mosque in the area and is a well known landmark of the city. Muslim tourists could therefore use the facilities at this mosque when needed.
Since the Orange Square houses a number of great restaurants, tourists will have many options when deciding on a restaurant to dine at. Muslim tourists will have to look for a Halal restaurant or at least try to locate a seafood or vegetarian restaurant. Those unable to find a Halal food outlet and decide to dine at a non-Halal restaurant will have to make sure non-Halal items are not added in their dish.